The Stalker
Ah, another great weekend! Friday night, I had a few friends in town, so we all went downtown for the night. Altogether, there were seven of us, and due to the large group and people lagging, we didn't get to a bar before 11:30. Fortunately, I took it upon myself to start drinking much earlier in the evening, so I wasn't too concerned about getting drinks when we finally got to the bar. But, all the drinks in the world couldn't help the fact that I was lacking any competent wingman to accompany me when I was trying to pick up on women.
The first friend that I tried to use thought it would be a good strategy if I just went up to groups of girls on my own and then he would swoop in for an introduction after I'd laid all the groundwork. Thanks, but no thanks. The whole idea behind the wingman is to work as a team, not let me do all the work and then come in and reap the rewards. Needless to say, the first 30 minutes were pretty unproductive.
The bar we were at also had a dance floor in it, so three of us decided to head over and check it out. Luckily, the two guys that went with me had the greatest odds of being benevolent to the cause. We started dancing, but before I knew it, I was (again) left to my own devices. I kept retrieving one guy or the other to help me, but for some reason they refused to stick around.
Forget them, I was there to have a good time, and if they weren't going to be of any help then I was going to do this on my own. I found a nice group of girls to dance with and started to work my way in. Luck was on my side, and before I knew it, I was dancing with one of the girls. She was cute, but not amazing by any means. And, while not fat, she wasn't necessarily the lightest thing on the dance floor. No matter, she was throwing me good vibe and was fun to dance with. We danced (and made out) for quite a while, actually; the majority of the time, she was grinding on me, so I was forced to support her weight and my own. Well, when the night came to a close, I thanked her for the dance and left to find my friends. As I walked away, my legs started shaking and I felt as though I'd just completed 100 squats. Even today (three days later) they are still quite sore.
Exhausted, I made my way outside and found one of my friends talking to the girl I had been dancing with. I came up and joined their conversation for a little bit, and before long, she was offering me her number. I took it and then my friend and I got the hell out of there.
The next night, I thought I would stay in and give Redial a call. I went out to dinner with some friends earlier in the night and got back to my place around 8:30. I straightened things up a bit and then gave her a call. She was there by nine and I had her pick out a movie. Of all the movies to pick, she decided on Bowling for Columbine. I had a vague idea what the movie was about, but I had yet to see it, so I agreed to watch it. Before we started, I opened up a bottle of wine and poured a couple glasses. For anyone who has yet to see the movie, I highly recommend watching it when you are
not on a date.
By the middle of the movie, I had powered through a few glasses of wine while my date was still on her first glass. This pattern would hold for the rest of the movie as I proceeded to polish off the remainder of the bottle as she finished her first glass. When the movie was over, we talked for a bit and then one thing led to another and we were making out. Let me reemphasize what a lousy kisser this girl was. It was totally killing the mood for me. Never one to give up, I put up with it and tried to spend as much time away from her mouth as possible. After a while, it was obvious things were going quite well, so I suggested that we leave the couch and find a venue with a little more room. She agreed and we made our way to my bedroom, where we stayed for the remainder of the night.
The next day, I got a call from her around 2:00 in the afternoon, but I didn't take the call. Then, I received another call half an hour later, but this time she left a message saying that she was going out for a bit and that she would call me when she got back. Sure enough, around 4:00 she called again, and again, I didn't take the call.
I had to run some errands in the evening, so I called her back from my car. We only talked for a couple of minutes, but I told her that I would probably be back home around 9:00. She said that if she was around, she'd give me a call. The second the clock struck 9:00, she started calling. I swear on everything holy, she called no less than 10 times in the next 45 minutes (not leaving messages each time) alternating between my cell phone and my home phone. Thank god for caller ID. Finally, around a quarter to 10:00 she left a message asking me to call her back. Amazingly, the phone was silent from that point forward.
I don't know how soon I want to see this girl again, but I can tell you I'm not in any hurry, especially if she's going to act like she did last night.