Pocket Full of Kryptonite
Last night, The Roommate and I went out for some dinner and then hit the bar scene. I should preface this story by explaining that my roommate has been historically conservative with regard to woman. He was with a girl for about four years, but they broke up a few months ago. Since then, I've been trying to help him get back in the game. Fortunately, I have a lot to work with; he's actually a good looking guy, good personality, etc. The only thing holding him back is that he's a bit on the shy side when it comes to girls. In an effort to help him out, some friends and I took him shopping for some new clothes, shoes, etc., basically everything needed to look like a million bucks. Last night, he was ready to take on the town.
The two of us met up with a couple other guys to eat and then the four of us started hitting the bars. The first couple places we stopped in were pretty dead (what do you expect on a Wednesday night?). We finally found a place that was packed with attractive girls. Unfortunately, one of the other guys we'd met up with had decided to wear sandals that night and they wouldn't let us in the bar/club. Disappointed, but not one to give up, I suggested that we go across the street to another bar. We were in luck, the place wasn't packed, but it wasn't dead, either. The ratio seemed to be in our favor as well, so we decided to stay there for the remainder of the night.
After a few drinks, I started to scan the floor looking for possible targets. There were a few small groups of girls on the dance floor, as well as at a couple nearby tables. I started to approach a couple of the girls on the dance floor, but every time I would start to move in on their territory, they would turn on me and leave the area. It was as though I had doused myself in chick repellant before leaving the house. This pattern continued for the next hour or so. During one of these truly emasculating episodes, I happened to glance over to where The Roommate had been standing, only to see him dancing with some random girl. I would have been pleasantly surprised to simply see him talking to some random girls, but to see him actually dancing with one nearly blew my mind, especially when they all seemed to run away from me and the other two guys. At the same time, to see that made me very happy for him.
I started to take a more passive approach at this point, looking for women who were in a more receptive mode, making eye contact a couple times, smiling, etc. I finally honed in on one who seemed very interested and I made my way over. I talked with her for a couple seconds and then we started dancing. Let's just say that she continued to portray herself as very interested. Actually, I was just having a good time dancing with her. I hung out with her for a while and then she said that she had to get back to her friends, but that I, "should be sure to find [her] before I [left]." We parted ways, and before I could take three steps, two other really attractive girls stopped me and started talking to me. I went back and forth with them for a couple minutes and then started walking back towards my friends. Again, I got about two steps closer and another girl stopped me to flirt with me. Unbelievable. I spend the majority of the night with women running from my proximity, then, I finally make contact with a girl who's willing to talk and dance with me; suddenly, it's as though I've been accepted into their secret society and they're practically throwing themselves at me. What the hell, ladies?
Long story short, we left soon after, but not before I went back to the original girl (a.k.a. the gatekeeper) for her number and a goodbye kiss.
Walking back to the car, I could tell that my roommate had had the time of his life that night. He assured me over and over that this display was totally out of character for him, but that he enjoyed every minute of it. Amazing what a difference a little confidence makes in someone. My goal for the night was his happiness, so mission accomplished.